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Jiaqi Bi 毕家祺

Graduate Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario

PhD Student in Biostatistics

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About Me

A current PhD student studying at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Western Ontario (UWO) under the supervision of Dr. Osvaldo Espin‑Garcia and Dr. Yun-Hee Choi. I have completed a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) degree at the University of Toronto with majors in Mathematics and Statistics. My research interests combine methodology development and applications, especially in statistical genomics and genetics, clustered data, and missing data. I possess a strong aptitude and passion for collaborating with multidisciplinary scientists to deliver effective and statistics-evident solutions. I find pleasure in solving biostatistical challenges and have a long-term objective to secure an academic role, collaborating with diverse professors and industries. WEBSITE DISCLAIMER: Notes, homeworks and projects are all for the purpose of knowledge sharing and learning, and all works are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Any misuses or plagiarisms are strongly prohibited and WILL BE reported to the academic integrity department at your institution.


ClpP Promotes Kidney Cancer Cell Malignancy Through Enhanced Mitophagy and Decreased Ferroptosis

Enqiang Chang, Lingzhi Wu, Tingting Zhang, Qian Chen, Ning Zhao, Shengli Zhou, Hailin Zhao, Ashley Howkins, Jiaqi Bi, Qizhe Sun, Yiwen Chen, Xinyi Li, Youming Zhang, Jiaqiang Zhang, Daqing Ma

Molecular Cell (Under Review) (2024). Elsevier, 2024

Dexmedetomidine Decreases Cerebral Hyperperfusion Incidence Following Carotid Stenting: A Randomized Control Trial

Enqiang Chang, Lingzhi Wu, Xinyi Li, Jinpeng Zhou, Hui Zhi, Min Sun, Guanyu Chen, Jiaqi Bi, Li Li, Tianxiao Li, Daqing Ma, Jiaqiang Zhang

Med (Accepted on Oct. 3) (2024). Elsevier, 2024

DExploring the Causal Relationship Between Gut Microbiota and Pan-Cancer: A Meta-analysis of Mendelian Randomization Studies

Fangying Chen, Yuxuan Wu, Jiaqi Bi, Enqiang Chang

European journal of endocrinology (Under Review) (2024). Oxford University Press, 2024

Publications in Prep

Frailty Model Incorporating Ascertainment Correction with Missing Covariates in Family‑Based Studies

Jiaqi Bi, Osvaldo Espin-Garcia, Yun-Hee Choi

In Progress

Day‑to‑Day Pain Symptoms Among Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: The Contribution of Psychological Factors and Dysfunctions in Nervous System Pain Processing

Marc O. Martel, Jiaqi Bi, Claudia M. Campbell, Junie S. Carriere, Myrella Paschali, Asimina Lazaridou, Samantha M. Meints, Bethany Pester, Patrick H. Finan, Jennifer A. Haythornthwaite, Michael T. Smith, Robert R. Edwards

In Progress

The Causal Relationship between Pain and Sleep among Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

Robert N. Jamison, Jiaqi Bi, Marc O. Martel

In Progress

Apelin-Overexpression Improves the Cardioprotective Effects of Aged Mesenchymal Stem Cell

Songtao An, Tingting Zhang, Juncheng Liu, Siyu Yao, Jiaqi Bi, Qiqiong Yang, Wenbo Li, Wenlu Xing, Rongzi Wang, Xiaozhuan Liu, Yuwei Zhang, Shundong Cang, Xiangdong Wang, Chuanyu Gao, Junbo Ge

In Progress

Accepted Abstract

Correlated Shared Frailty Model Incorporating Ascertainment Correction with Missing Covariates in Family-Based Studies

Jiaqi Bi, Osvaldo Espin-Garcia, Yun-Hee Choi

Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meeting 2024

Exploring the Factors Contributing to Daily Cannabis Craving and Cannabis Use Among Chronic Pain Patients

L. Frankel, A. Sirois, D. Rosenthal, N. Mesli, J. Bi, L. Cui, M. Ware, J. Perez, M.A. Fitzcharles, M.O. Martel

Department of Psychology Annual Research Day, McGill University 2024

Perceived Improvement or Worsening Among Persons with Chronic Pain: Analyses of Pain App Data

Robert N Jamison, Jiaqi Bi, Samantha Meints, Robert R. Edwards, Marc O. Martel

International Association for the Study of Pain 2024

Week-to-Week Reports of Physical and Cognitive Side Effects Associated with Opioids: Insights from a Longitudinal Study Among Persons with Chronic Pain

Amanda Sirois, Masha Verner, Alice Bruneau, Jiaqi Bi, Jordi Perez, Y Shir, Marc O. Martel

Canadian Pain Society 2024


Correlated Shared Frailty Model Incorporating Ascertainment Correction with Missing Covariates in Family‑Based Studies Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meeting | St. John's, Canada (Jun. 2024)

Factors Associated with Day‑to‑Day Pain Fluctuations and Pain Flares Among Patients with Chronic Pain McGill CERC Pain & Genetics Research Day | Montreal, Canada (Oct. 2023)

Research Experience

Graduate Research Fellow - Dr. Yun-Hee Choi & Dr. Osvaldo Espin-Garcia, University of Western Ontario | London, Canada (Jul 2023 - Present)

Developed a novel multiple imputation technique that incorporates with kinship matrix to handle the missing genetically associated continuous variable in the context of frailty model and penetrance estimations.

Research Assistant (Biostatistician) - Dr. Marc O. Martel Lab, McGill University | Montreal, Canada (Remote) (Jul 2023 - Present)

Conducted biostatistical analysis using R for various lab research works. Cooperated with Dr. Martel directly to investigate pain research by implementing statistical concepts and analyses.

Research Assistant - Intelligent Adaptive Interventions Lab, University of Toronto | Toronto, Canada (Feb 2022 - Jun 2022)

Conducted undergraduate research assistanships within the lab cross appointed by Department of Computer Science and Department of Psychology at University of Toronto. Currently doing research in the team of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy (Exclusively in Canada and the US) based on surveys, bandit algorithms and A/B Testing. Research works include literature reviews, statistical analysis, and seeking to publish the results this year.

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant - University of Western Ontario | London, Canada (Jan 2025 - May 2025)

Course Title: BIOSTATS3110B - Multivariable Methods in Biostatistics (Instructor: Dr. Guangyong Zou)

Course Title: MPH 9017B - Health Informatics (Instructor: Dr. Dan Lizotte)

Teaching Assistant - University of Western Ontario | London, Canada (Jan 2024 - May 2024)

Course Title: BIOSTATS3110B - Multivariable Methods in Biostatistics (Instructor: Dr. Osvaldo Espin-Garcia)

Some Lecture Notes

STA450: Statistical Methods for Emerging Infectious Disease Management Free

Typesetting final review notes for STA450 instructured by Prof. Patrick Brown. This course has some common knowledge with STA442 so you may find it's useful for STA442 as well. Almost covered all materials of STA450 that is possibly going to be tested on final exam, but I am not TA nor instructor so don't blame me if something is not covered.

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MAT315: Number Theory Free

Typesetting notes for MAT315 instructured by Dr. Gaurav Patil.

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STA305: Design and Analysis of Experiments Free

Typesetting notes for STA305 instructured by Prof. Ramya Thinniyam.

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Volunteering Experience

Vice President-External - UTCSSA, University of Toronto | Toronto, Canada (Mar 2019 - Mar 2020)

Vice President External of University of Toronto Chinese Students and Scholars Association. Maintained relationship with external sponsors, other student groups, and school faculties. Held Spring Festival Gala with over 3000 audiences. Raised more than CAD$100,000 sponsorships while in office.

Vice Director of Public Relations - UTCSSA, University of Toronto | Toronto, Canada (Mar 2018 - Mar 2019)

Vice Director of Public Relations Department of University of Toronto Chinese Students and Scholars Association. Managed internal manners of department of Public Relations.